HI EVERYONE! My name is Cherisse; I’m fourteen years old. Anyway I’m new to this whole blog thing but I find it really interesting and I’ve been dying to have one so I can freely express my view of being a teenage girl with other teenage girls. Guys could check it out to. I don’t expect this to go very far or become the "NUMBER 1 TEENAGE BLOG" but it is fun to have an online diary isn’t it. Since it’s the internet I know not to get to personal but I promise to be honest as possible. Anyway what I’m trying to say is, no one really admits how difficult it is to grow up and go through teenage life and adolescence then to deal with our parents. Oh my goodness!! Well I’m taking all my feeling and hormones that drive me crazy and writing it on my online diary. I hope everyone enjoys and I can connect with some of you girls out there. So…… WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!

Monday 25 June 2012

The Butterfly by Mikayla Balcon

HEY EVERYONE, it’s me I’m back! Well today I’m not writing my own taughts but of my friend Mikayal Balcon, she is an amazing writer and she’s really good at poems unlike me. Today she showed me a really interesting and inspirational power point. Here have a look and let me know what you think:

Saturday 16 June 2012


Just wanted to give everyone an idea of my two best friends. I designed these on Dress Up Challenge,its my favorite game. The first one is my best friend from primary school, CHLOE, she is a great person and the best friend you can have and is always there for me with great advice. The one below is AALIYAH, we go to school together and she is alot of fun to be around and her family is the best.She is a really,really good friend and is also always there for me.I love them both very much!!!!

Morning Post

Good morning fellow bloggers and to my followers. It’s a new day, and a beautiful one to. I know not all of us are always happy to get up sooooo early on a Saturday but I decided to get up early for a change and just write and tell the still asleep teenage world…GOOD MORNING AND GET UP!!!! When you do decided to get up, besides all that you have planned for the day, just try this after you say your prays and what not. I want you to say: Today… I will have a conversation with myself that begins,“If I could live my life over again I would…” This affirmation comes from ‘I am Beautiful’ Affirmations for Women by Diane Mastromarino. I chose this affirmation because these are two things I do, wish I could live my life again and (my friends will know this one) talk to myself. Now most of us a maybe just between the ages of 11-18, you know teenage years, and adults will say we haven’t lived much, but I STRONGLY DISAGGREE! Your teenage years are the years you find who you are, what you are and what you will become. HECK! It’s the most important time of everyone’s lives. So for a teenager to say I wish I can go back and relive my life is very reasonable. We want to correct those mistakes we made that affect us now and we want to know who would I be if I didn’t…. so today whenever you get up I AM BEAUTIFUL… When I am honest with myself and others. I will take time to know myself better, to experience my emotions, appreciate my body, and reconnect with my spirit. This is my time to acknowledge my hopes, dreams and desires. This is my time to discover all the beauty I hold within me. SO DO IT!!

Friday 15 June 2012

LOL just had to post this picture..... this is just how i am.... right Aaliyah

Im back with more inspiration.....

IM BACK AGAIN!!!!! I really do want to apologize for not writing in ages my best friend Chloe has been wondering what has happened…. It’s ok Cloe I’m right here. Honestly there has been so much going on that I really don’t know where to start but seeing that the summer vacation is coming up I’m going to update you and fill you in on everything that has happened and that will be happening, the good the bad and the ugly! Right now, there are so many feeling and emotions that are inside of me that I’m so confused…..well not that confused….you know…..sexually! I’m pretty sure about that  Anyway, I’m guessing that this is all part of the teenage cycle, you know the feelings… the emotions….the teary eyes….you know, the works. It hurts and it sucks but we just need to survive through this. We can do this! I just really wish I can understand the psychology behind all of these “things”….the hormones that create such feeling and the outbursts we have ever so occasionally. Well all in due time I guess. Before I go I just want to inform you that I have some really great new ideas for blog post… im also going to give some advice on many different things that I think girls our age really need some help with. Well as usual I leave you with a few inspirational words, but today I chose to show you in this beautiful picture…